Pagans, Witches and Druids, Oh My!

Air Force Academy dedicates pagan worship circle

Grace and peace believers, and greetings to the unbelieving.

I was mildly surprised to hear that the United States Air Force Academy recently dedicated a $80,000 pagan worship center.  You may not realize it, but this actually has prophetic significance.

As you may recall, in our post entitled Animal Rights and the NWO, we propose that the government may one day recognize human sacrifice as a religious privilege based on the errant philosophy that human beings are merely another species of animal. 

You see, Daniel Chapter 8 foretells that animal sacrifice will resume in Israel.  Though many will protest, it will happen, because it is prophetic.  It will no doubt survive opposition because it is a religious privilege. 

Now, if the “a dog is a cat is a pig is a boy” philosophy that the animal rights organization, PETA, espouses ever gains general acceptance, then the witches could use this doctrine to argue that they should be able to practice human sacrifice as a religious privilege.  Understand that this philosophy is being preached in just about every school in America.

Think about it: if the Jews are allowed to sacrifice animals for religious reasons, and if witchcraft is a religion that practices human sacrifice, and if human beings are also animals, then technically witches could also be allowed to sacrifice humans as a religious privilege. 

Understand that Daniel Chapter 8 foretells that The Antichrist “will cause [witch]craft to prosper” (8:25).  When you consider that human sacrifice is an integral part of witchcraft, the chances that this scenario will come to fruition increase exponentially.

An even more frightening scenario would be this:  if there is no difference between a human being and a dog, cat, or pig, cannibalism could also be sanctioned under this scenario.  Now do movies like “Food of the Gods,” “The Silence of the Lambs,” and “Hannibal” make sense to you now? Hollywood is playing prophet.

By the way, can you see the Satanic significance of “The Silence of the Lambs” when you look at a lamb from a Biblical standpoint?  Aren’t Christians lambs?  Wasn’t Jody Foster’s character a good little Christian girl who was being manipulated by a cannibal?  Isn’t cannibalism an activity of Satanism and Witchcraft?  Don’t satanists and witches hate Christians?  Think about these things.

In order for all this to happen, several things must first take place, one of which is that witchcraft has to be recognized by the government as an official religion.  The U.S. military and the prison system already do to an extent, in that their chaplains receive training in Wicca.  But this move by the Air Force Academy is tantamount to official government recognition.  Why?  Because this pagan temple was built with your tax dollars and the government pays the military.

Saints, prophecy is being fulfilled at such an alarming rate that there can be no doubt that we are in the last days of The Last Days.

If you are unsaved, but you are beginning to understand that if the Bible is right about Jewish sacrifices resuming, and you understand that Air Force recognition of witchcraft as a religion is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, then you should understand that the Bible is most probably right that Jesus is the only Way to salvation. 

Jesus is coming soon, friends, and believe me: you will want Him to take you with Him when He does.  Get right with Jesus, now.

Watch and pray, Saints.

The Still Man

Copyright © 2011 Anthony Keeton, The Still Man ®.  All rights reserved.

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