Same Stuff, Different Year. Praise God!

Grace and peace, Saints.

I hope that everyone is having a pleasant, blessed, and safe new year.  I know that I haven’t written anything of substance for well over a month.  I have been going through a very difficult time of late, but we won’t get into that right now.  Only suffice it to say that God has been real good to me, and He will continue to be real good to me. 

I had wanted to write a New Year’s message, but as Satan would have it, my internet connection went down for about three weeks.  I was going to a local café where I would use their hotspot to check my email and such, but I was not in the mind frame to post anything during this time, so I did not.  I had been working very hard to finish up the last classes towards my Bible degree, so while my internet was down, I used the time towards that end.  And, praise God, I succeeded.

I would like to apologize to our readers for not being more diligent in posting.  I am determined to do a much better job this year.  A lot of prophetic things have happened in the last few months, and I will be writing about them extensively, God willing.

So come back tomorrow to see what God has given me to share with you. 

Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.

The Still Man


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