A Flight of Birds


Grace and peace, Saints.

Did you know that the word inauguration is based on the word augur, which, under the old Roman political system, was a man who interpreted omens, which included the flight of birds?  A flight of birds that appeared on the right side was taken as a good omen, but one that appeared on the left was a portent of evil.  The augur was especially important when installing, or inaugurating, a candidate into office. 

Governments still interpret the flight of birds to determine the future of a candidate or leader.  I believe it is being done even in the United States, through the tradition of releasing birds as a sign of peace.  In 1948, for example, pigeons symbolizing “doves of peace,” where released when the Democratic Convention, in Philadelphia, nominated Harry Truman.  And in 1985, white doves were released at the second inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.  The practice remains.

What are the odds the birds flew on the left side in 2013?  I’d say fairly good.

Be encouraged and look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.

The Still Man

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